
PIastic corrugated plate packing is widely used n absorption and desorption process.also used n gaspU r fICaf onand heat t ranSfe r p rOCeSS t IS SU tab e fora rge liquid loads and high operating pressure of the processThe maferIa S a re pO yp rOpy ene polyV nyl ChlO rIde,pO yVlny deneflU0 rlde PO ypropy ene can befemperaIUre110o,PVDF can be temperature 150'C,and easy to play for Foam geometric sequence
Corrugated plastic board is mainly used n oiIl fields and renne rIeS川the o l_wafer Separat on p roceSS Th S川le rhasa special small surface pressure pattern,the filler selection is based on operating conditions An improvedcorrugated corrugated shape Corrugated board installed ve川ca∽para e to fhe ong{tudnal a×Is o¨heconIa nerThe filler material used In polyp ro pyla ne.polyethylene.polyvinyl C hloride,reinfo rced pol,/p ropylene